Monday, November 3, 2008

Fall Clean-Up...Continued

OK - I think Jason and I have finally finished getting our gardens and yards cleaned up in preparation of the winter season. Here are the final things we have crossed off our list:

Spring Bulbs We finally planted our spring bulbs! Experts say you should do this prior to the first severe freeze. We actually didn't get around to planting them until after our first hard freeze. But since then, the weather has warmed up tremendously (we went from 40s to 80s) so I think we should be okay. I guess we'll find out in March/April. We definitely don't recommend waiting so long to get your bulbs planted - I just hate pulling out perfectly good marigolds, when I can wait another week or two for them to stop blooming.

Mulch We added a generous layer of mulch around all of our trees (especially the young ones) and also to my butterfly garden, where I have a lot of perennials planted. This is definitely something you want to do if you live in a region where there is harsh winter weather. One thing I've learned, is when mulching trees, be sure to leave a small ring around the base of the trunk to prevent mold and other diseases.

Vegetable Garden Jason finally put his vegetable garden to bed, yesterday! The hard freeze killed his tomato and pepper plants (thankfully he pulled all of the fruit off the day before) and he's removed all plants and covered the garden with fallen leaves.

Yard Art We pulled out all of our yard art, hosed them off and have stored them away until spring. Also, we put a polycrylic coating over our garden center, which we were told would weatherproof it during the winter. (We also sprayed a polycrylic coating on all of our yard art earlier in the year, and they still look as good as the day we bought them!)

Anyway, those are just a few things that we've done to help prepare for the fast-approaching winter season. What tasks do you hope to accomplish to keep your yards ready for the cold weather? Leave a comment!

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